Frequently Asked Questions About 仨籽
選用最優質羅漢果糖 我們深知糖對人體的影響,羅漢果糖的熱量低,GI值低,有助於穩定血糖,同時具有抗氧化、抗炎等多種健康功效。 100%純天然 不含人造色素 「仨籽」秉承著「自然健康」的理念。我們深信,只有純天然的食物對人體無害,我們注重食品的原始性,讓您享受自然的美味和健康。 無添加任何防腐劑 長期食用防腐劑可能對人體健康造成負擔。因此,我們堅持使用優質的天然食材,以最簡單的方式製作出各種天然、健康、美味的產品。

Note: This website, Merchant Genius, is not affiliated with 仨籽. Please contact the store owner directly for any issues or questions pertaining to the online store. This page provides suggestions for resolving dispute only - we are not responsible for any issues that occur between you and the merchant.

I have never heard of 仨籽, and am concerned about making a purchase. Are they trustworthy?

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I placed an order with 仨籽, but have not received my item. What should I do?

If you placed an order with 仨籽, but have not yet received the item, the first thing you should do is contact the seller. Our records indicate that 仨籽 can be reached via email at You should be able to locate further contact information on the 仨籽 website, which can be accessed at

Once you determine the status of your shipment, you should wait an appropriate length of time to allow for delivery. For example, if the merchant has provided you with a tracking number and you are able to track the shipment using the shipping company's website, this generally means that the items are on their way and you'll simply need to wait. Keep in mind that many sellers are located overseas, so the shipping times can take a lot longer than expected. Some shipments can take 2-3 months or more to arrive at the final destination. If the seller does not provide you with a tracking number, you'll need to determine if the explanation you are provided is reasonable or not. If the merchant provides hand-made products, for example, there may be a several-week wait before the items are ready to ship. Or, the merchant may be facing inventory shortages, which could also lead to significant delays. Nonetheless, use your judgment here, as you do not want to be kept waiting indefinitely! If you feel that you have waited far too long, politely ask the merchant for an order refund or cancellation. Virtually all legitimate merchants will have no concerns doing so as long as the items have not been shipped (except, perhaps, those who provide custom services, etc).

If you feel that you have waited far longer than a reasonable length of time, you may need to take further action. Start by asking the merchant for a refund or cancellation. If you do not hear back or they are not willing to assist, you may need assistance from your credit card company or PayPal to help with dispute resolution. See below for additional recommendations on how to receive assistance from payment companies.

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I have an issue with my order from 仨籽, but they are not getting back to me. What can I do?